Monday, January 28, 2013

I've got the FEVER

I've always been a cat person. I had cats all growing up. George, Smokey, Shadow, Princess Jasmine, Serenity, Socrates, Sherbie, Scrotummousefinkerton (don't ask), Molly. I love that cats are playful and snuggly and love to be scratched and loved, and are mischievous and so super cute, but most of all that they are perfectly content with little attention (though, in thinking back, I've always been the kind to always try to get my cats' attention anyway).

Until Miley came along and changed my way of thinking about dogs. They aren't ALL aggressive, taking random bites out of people's noses. They don't ALL poop all day. Everyday. Everywhere. They don't ALL eat a giant bag of food in one sitting. They don't ALL stink like a dog. They don't ALL lick your face constantly. They don't ALL jump all over you and your small children constantly. They don't ALL ignore your commands or run away. I love Miley and she changed my mind about a lot of things, but I was always still on the cats rule, dogs drool (except for one) side.

But there was still one item on my "Reasons to never have a pet again" list. PET HAIR.
Insert the Labradoodle. We recently went to visit our surrogate parents who are breeders. I was so surprised to see that they have a gazillion dogs running around their house and it was like any other house, it smelled normal, I didn't leave with dog hair all over me (and I was wearing all black!), there were 4-6 dogs of all ages running around the same room as my 2 year old and she never got bit or knocked over. Nobody pooped in the house.

That's right when my list changed... "Reasons to never have a pet again...ASAP"

C'mon.... who could resist this


Tif said...

Eep! You picked a lovely specimen to model as a doodle. I love that little brown puppy!

Can't wait for you guys to get one!!!