Saturday, August 3, 2013

All the livelong day

In July, we found a super great deal online for a ride on a real train! My grandparents took us when we were little, and it hadn't changed at all! We had a lot of fun that day. The boys especially. They imagined what it was like to work on the railroad or travel long distances at the super slow speed we went. They even were excited that it smelled like "train". We ended up at a cute little waterfall where we ate lunch and the boys tried out one of those little cars you hand-pump.
Jax on the tracks 

Boomer pondering life

Daddy just realized he wore two different shoes that day. Whoops!

Family Love


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Dahlia, by any other name...

While on our freeway drive to Seattle this past Thursday, we were chatting about what our new dog's middle name would be. We were trying to come up with a name that went well with Maggie, because that was pretty much the name we all decided on as a family. We were having a bit of a mental block, so I started paying attention to the cars passing by and would joke..."Navigator? Lincoln? Rav4? Odyssey (taken)? Sonata?" "Moonlight Sonata? hahahaha..." I guess I should explain the humor in that....

For the past 10 years every time moonlight or pretty colors or dahlias or awards would come up, we'd giggle and have a nice little memory of the sweet couple who did our wedding flowers. When we were planning our wedding, I knew I wanted dahlias for our flowers. I had very fond memories of Grandma's dahlia garden, so she pointed me in the direction of some friends of hers that still was very much involved in the dahlia community. When we met with the Wynne's, there was much talk of the prize winning dahlia they created and actually registered Wyn's Moonlight Sonata.  A very pretty flower indeed.

Wyn's Moonlight Sonata-B ID DBDp /Y/O

So, Jason says "I actually really like that name. Sunny was one of the names on our original short list!" But, I was just kidding. I really liked the name Maggie much better than Sunny, or in this case, Sonny. But he really wanted it to still be in the running, so I agreed to that much.

We had a great weekend and even asked some friends for middle name suggestions.

Then we get home, and Grandma calls to tell me the awful news that the husband of the dahlia couple, Walt, had passed away in a house fire this last weekend. When I got off the phone and told Jason, he commented on how it was really weird that we would have been considering naming our new puppy after one of their great accomplishments. I got chills and called the kids down, told them the whole story and the sad news that went along with it, then asked if they would like to change her name. They very excitedly agreed, so we have a set-in-stone name for her now. Moonlight Sonata "Sonny" Dahlstrom.

Grandma called me again today to let me know that she had read in the paper that the Wynnes had lost all their dahlia tubers in the fire. I surely hope that she is able to get starts from people and that someone, somewhere, has one of her special Moonlight Sonatas to give back to her.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dahlstrom #6

This is "Biscuits and Honey". A 4 month old Australian Labradoodle puppy. We are beyond excited to bring her home at the end of the month! Her name is cute, but will be changed. Our list has gotten shorter and shorter and is down to 2...Magnolia "Maggie" or Calliope "Callie". The kids all like Maggie. Boomer has already started adding her to family sketches and labeling her name with Maggie, so that's the most likely. But Calliope is so danged cute! She just needs to cooperate with the whole name-change business!

Monday, January 28, 2013

I've got the FEVER

I've always been a cat person. I had cats all growing up. George, Smokey, Shadow, Princess Jasmine, Serenity, Socrates, Sherbie, Scrotummousefinkerton (don't ask), Molly. I love that cats are playful and snuggly and love to be scratched and loved, and are mischievous and so super cute, but most of all that they are perfectly content with little attention (though, in thinking back, I've always been the kind to always try to get my cats' attention anyway).

Until Miley came along and changed my way of thinking about dogs. They aren't ALL aggressive, taking random bites out of people's noses. They don't ALL poop all day. Everyday. Everywhere. They don't ALL eat a giant bag of food in one sitting. They don't ALL stink like a dog. They don't ALL lick your face constantly. They don't ALL jump all over you and your small children constantly. They don't ALL ignore your commands or run away. I love Miley and she changed my mind about a lot of things, but I was always still on the cats rule, dogs drool (except for one) side.

But there was still one item on my "Reasons to never have a pet again" list. PET HAIR.
Insert the Labradoodle. We recently went to visit our surrogate parents who are breeders. I was so surprised to see that they have a gazillion dogs running around their house and it was like any other house, it smelled normal, I didn't leave with dog hair all over me (and I was wearing all black!), there were 4-6 dogs of all ages running around the same room as my 2 year old and she never got bit or knocked over. Nobody pooped in the house.

That's right when my list changed... "Reasons to never have a pet again...ASAP"

C'mon.... who could resist this

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Maybe it's just me...

Am I alone in being extremely annoyed when people ask for advice on FB group pages and then say... "GO". I cringe EVERY time.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Not the funnest week ever...

Upper endoscopy yesterday. Two fillings today. BOO!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Wanna see something nasty?

Yeah, that's dirt and grime and body oils. Blech!
Have you ever taken apart your washing machine? Us either. This is what "cleans" your clothes!
This house is out of commission for laundry at the moment. And it's really piling up. Luckily I have a super-hubby who knows his way around an appliance an awesome grandma who volunteers to be our laundromat!
Silver lining: We have a chance to make it sparkly and clean and new again. And know our laundry isn't floating around in nastiness anymore!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Feeling Itchy

I don't know why. Maybe because it's a new year? Because we are laying out our hopes for the future/focusing on the things we want in life?  Maybe because the years seem to pass by quicker the older I get? But I've been feeling like I need a change. Like, a big one. Usually if I'm feeling the need for change, it's because something is going "wrong" or I'm feeling bored and stuck in a rut. But life is pretty sweet. I'm happy. But feel like it's time for the next big thing.

Sometimes the urge is small. A bathroom remodel or selling our bedroom set for something different. But mostly it's big. Like getting a dog, or having a baby (it would be our last), moving, or using the plans we had drawn up and actually building an addition.

For those who really know me, you know that it's kind of huge for me to crave big change. Big change is scary, and I'm pretty much a chicken. Big change is usually a lot to fret over, and I'm pretty much a worrywart. Big change takes faith that it'll all work out, and I've been labeled a pessimist a time or two.

Today we met with the bank to see what it'll take to get a construction loan to build our addition. It's still a bit fuzzy if it's going to be the option we choose, but we are on the right track.

If we don't build, we'll see about moving to a house that better suits our future.

If we build OR move, we'll start talking about that baby.

Whether we build OR move OR neither, we'll be getting a dog within the next year or so. Dang that Miley....She ruined me!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


(Illustrated by Mr.Boombastic)

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Cutest pic of 2013 (so far)

Ringing in the New Year




Not even a yawn!

A Man's Idea of Cleaning

Our naughty little Elf

An Elf on the Shelf came to stay with our family in the last week before Christmas this year. The book she came with told us she was here to keep an eye on the Dahlstrom children's behavior. She magically appeared in a new spot every morning after travelling back to Santa to report each night. We decided to name her Tinsel Peeb Dahlstrom.

Tinsel's naughty introduction, underpants on the tree.

Boys reading their letters for Santa to Tinsel
A peace offering for the naughtiness!

Elfish spa day

"I see you"

"Found her!"

Bedroom Barricade

Tinsel drew on our family pics

Goodbye letter

Christmas 2012

Winter Program 2012-both boys were excellent!

Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum. I smell...Gingerbread?
We have a pic like this of each kid at this age. It's a weird tradition.
Santa came!

Unc had to go and spoil his niece this year.

Mama got spoiled too. Opal earrings to pass down to Elle.

Fall in Review

We all participated in the Dirty Farm Trek this year!
Watch out Central.. here come TWO Dahlstrom boys! Jax 2nd, Boom K 
Amazing Jessie planned Ellie's 2nd birthday. Princess Dressup!
"Family Circus" 2012

Ellie and Lo had swim lessons together. So FUN!