Sunday, March 27, 2011

ellie:sleep warrior

so this little one decided to have her longest stretch of sleep ever (9 hrs) on a night that i couldn't seem to sleep at all! i actually had to wake her up to feed her because i was starting to hurt. she burped, was changed and put back into her crib all while sleeping, which never happens. i really hope she starts adding this good sleep to her routine. for the past few weeks she's gone back to waking up every two hours, and it was getting tiring for sure. her longest stretch of sleep before this one was only 6 hours and that was when she was just a few weeks old!

*side note: i wish when talking about a baby that doesn't sleep well, people wouldn't share a story of a child they knew that slept through the night at a few weeks old. it doesn't add anything good to the conversation!


Liz said...

way to go ellie! that's great, but it kinda sucks you weren't able to take advantage. hopefully she keeps this up for ya.