Wednesday, December 22, 2010


i think my boys have it out for me today. just last night, they were allowed to take a bath by themselves. BIG MISTAKE! they decided to dump out the whole brand new bottle of body/hair wash we hadn't ever used yet, to make a bathroom full of bubbles (seriously, the toilet downstairs was glugging as the tub was being drained upstairs). and covered the bathroom floor with water. as punishment they ended up going to bed and hour early. wet.

fast forward to just now... the boys had been playing quietly for about an hour, so i went to check on them. they heard me coming and quick scramble to lock the bathroom door. not so easy with soapy hands!! they once again have soap suds and water ALL over the bathroom. they had filled up the sink with water and dumped the liquid hand soap all in to make a pond for the thomas tracks they had built over the sink and toilet. i'm kicking myself now for not taking pictures, but i was furious. seriously?! the bath mat and half a dozen towels it took to clean up last night's mess hadn't even made it to the dryer yet! i had the train tracks and train thrown into the tub before i had that "this will be funny later" thought. plus i've found taking pics knowing i'll cool off later, makes them think what they've done is so funny it's picture-worthy.

i've said it before and i'll say it again...the NUMBER ONE thing i cannot stand about having boys... never having a clean bathroom!! it's always wet or soapy or dirty or the TP is destroyed in one way or another, hand towels that get drenched in all the wet or used with dirty hands and faces.

watch... i'll come back and read this when i'm 50 and my kids are grown, and miss this stage. for now.... not so much!